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Comparison of the Gaussian, Median, Sobel, and Bilateral Filters on Salt and Pepper Noise
Yezi Cho Image processing plays a critical role in enhancing image quality across diverse fields. In particular, the field of medicine...

Sodium Borohydride Reduction of Acetophenone
Sabrina(Jingyao) Liao Simpson University / Organic Chemistry II Purpose The purpose of this experiment is to synthesize 1-phenylethanol...

Mammalian Heart Dissection
Yezi Cho A pig heart was dissected to observe the structure of a heart, learning its function and anatomy. The posterior view of the...

Why a standard solution with a low concentration should be used: Exploration through vitamin C titration
Ignis Chungnam Samsung Academy At Chungnam Samsung Academy, chemistry club Ignis members conducted a vitamin C titration experiment using...

Fluorescein Synthesis Experiment
Ignis Chungnam Samsung Academy Have you ever wondered how highlighters or glow sticks emit fluorescent light? Ignis chemistry club...

Chamelon Chemistry Demonstration
Ignis Chungnam Samsung Academy Ignis chemistry club members prepared a chameleon chemical reaction experiment at Chungnam Samsung High...

Suturing Techniques
Yezi Cho Various suturing techniques were simulated on a suturing pad. Nylon monofilament and silk braided material were used. Instrument...

Histology: Observation of Cells / 조직학: 세포 관찰
Chungju Girls' High School An experiment was conducted at Jungwon University to learn about histology. Histology is a branch of biology...

Recrystallization and Melting Point
Sabrina Liao Simpson University Purpose The purpose of the experiment is to purify compounds by dissolving impurities in a solvent....
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