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Aspirin Synthesis Experiment / 아스피린 합성 실험
Yulha High School An experiment to synthesize aspirin - also known as acetylsalicylic acid - was conducted at Yulha High School, South...

Mammalian Brain Dissection
Yezi Cho A sheep brain was dissected to learn its function through the observation a typical mammalian brain anatomy. Initially, the...

Blood Agglutination Test
Yezi Cho American Community School of Abu Dhabi Blood types were determined by an agglutination test using anti-A and anti-B serums....

Mammalian Kidney Dissection
Yezi Cho A pig kidney was dissected to explore the anatomy and function of a mammalian kidney. A preserved kidney from Carolina...

New Member of Medicus / Chocolate Experiment
Lizzy Choi Almaty International School Hello, I am Lizzy Choi, a new member of Medicus representing Almaty International School in...

In-vitro gravimetric analysis of the effect of pH on enamel erosion using acidic beverages
Yezi Cho, Serene Elmusharaf American Community School of Abu Dhabi This experiment measures the effect of pH by experimenting with...

About the Medicus Blog
Medicus is a journal for students who engage in all fields related to medicine. Through blogs, we share our journey into the diverse...
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